medac Nordic grant hematology

For research projects focusing on allogeneic stem cell transplantation

The Nordic grant means to support research projects by resident physicians active in the Nordic region.

The grant is 12.000 euro, and one or two projects will be awarded by the end of 2025. Applications will be evaluated by an independent scientific committee, consisting of specialists in hematology. 

Applicants and application 
Clinical projects within allogeneic stem cell transplantation are eligible. Research/projects involving one or more of the Nordic countries will be prioritized. 

Eligible applicants for the grant are Nordic resident physicians within hematology. 

Applications should contain a rationale and background of the project, the objectives, a description of methodology, timelines and a budget. 

Applications will be subject to the terms and conditions stated below on this webpage. 

The Scientific Committee will appoint the research/project(s) which will receive funding from the grant. Decisions will be made based on majority voting. In case of a tie, the chairman will cast the decisive vote. 

Announcement of the winner(s) will be made before the end of the year and potentially advertised through trade media. 

The recipient (or recipients) of the grant commits to report to the Scientific Committee upon completion of the project. One year from the receipt of the funds, an interim report is to be submitted to the Scientific Committee. 

Application Submission 
Applications, maximum two (2) pages plus CV, should be sent to: 

Applications should be submitted before October 1st, 2025, to be considered for the grant. 

The following terms and conditions apply to applications submitted for consideration to receive the Nordic grant. By applying, the applicant agrees to be bound by these terms and conditions. 

Application in English in two (2) pages: 

  • Project title 
  • Research/project plan 
  • Timeline of research/ project 
  • Budget 

In addition to the application: 

  • Short CV 
  • Institution/group 
  • List of publications (if not in CV) 
  • Ethics approval if research 

Applications should be sent before October 1st 2025 to: 

Additional terms and conditions in detail: 

  • Applications received after the stated deadline for submission will not be considered for the medac grant. 
  • Applications should contain a rationale and background of the project, the objectives, a description of methodology, timelines and a budget. 
  • The following projects will be considered eligible: projects in allogeneic stem cell transplantation. 
  • Eligible applicants for the grant are Nordic resident physicians active in the Nordics, performing research projects primarily taking place in the Nordic region. 
  • Submissions will be reviewed by an independent Scientific Committee. The decision on the award of the grant will be final and binding. 
  • medac Nordics and the Scientific Committee members may retain a copy of the submitted applications. 
  • The applicant’s name and address and a short summary of the project (based on the application) may be publicly communicated/published by medac and/or the Scientific Committee. 
  • The grant funding will be transferred to a bank account of the institution at which the project will be performed and with which the applicant is affiliated. 
  • Funding may only be used for legitimate and necessary out-of-pocket costs associated with proper conduct of the project. Funding can't be used to finance congress participation for HCPs employed in Sweden or Norway
  • If a project is terminated before initiation, unused funds should be refunded to medac. 
  • A transparency disclosure – “This project was supported by an unrestricted scientific grant by medac” – should be included in project communications and publications. 
  • The recipient of the grant commits to report to the Scientific Committee upon completion of the project. One year from the receipt of the funds, an interim report is to be submitted to the Scientific Committee.



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